Saturday, 6 November 2010

Pledge Complete - Chaos Terminators

My squad of Chaos Terminators are finished. These are the first models I have magnetised. The weight of the 'old school' lead metal does roate the heavier arms downward but I intend to fix that with small pins that lock into place beside the magnets, should I find it annoying during play. Once they rotate down and rest on the knee armour they don't tend to move anyway, but I haven't used them in a game yet, so we'll see.

With my painting time being limited of late I have had to 'rush' through some of these miniatures faster than I usually would, but the experience has been a good one. I've learnt that going faster and leaving out certain details entirely does not actually lead to a relative degradation in the final result.

Things look better when viewed together as a whole squad. I've learnt I can paint much quicker than I thought I could and still get pleasing results. None of the Terminators stand up to individual inspection, but they look really good together.

If you usually take a long time to paint things, because of attention to detail or because you also like to paint for display and those habits get pulled over to your tabletop painting, try pushing yourself to hit a deadline and do things more simply. You'll be surprised how well things turn out despite your 'cutting corners'.

Remember, any individual square inch of the Sistine Chapel is pretty unimpressive - but the effect of the whole thing is awesome.


1 comment:

  1. Nice work mate! Thats a cool looking squad there. I suppose its about time i rolled my arse out of bed and started on my painting for the day.
