Saturday, 3 September 2011

40K Tournament Report - Kthulu 2011 - Huntingdon (HDWS)

I took part in a 40K tournament for the first time this weekend. I was nervous about the competitive element before I arrived but thankfully almost everybody I met on the day was friendly and fun to play against.

We played four games with a short break for lunch, 9am 'til 6pm, 1750pts. That's quite a pace, it's more games in less time than a day at Throne of Skulls, so it was a good warm-up for that!

Here are my results, seeing as we're talking about a tourney:

Tyranids - Capture and Control, Pitched Battle, Loss (tabled in fact!)
Orks - Seize Ground, Spearhead, Draw
Lunch - Seize Battered Sausage and Chips, Guiness, Win! (whadda'ya mean it don't count!? :-))
Imperial Guard - Annihilation, Dawn of War (!), Win (very tough setup for the IG)
Blood Angels - Kthulu Special Mission, Pitched Battle, Loss

After the first round the Swiss sort kicked in and it was Grey Knights and Space Wolves on the top tables for the rest of the day.

HWDS hosted the event, they have a nice scenery and board collection, so credit to them for that. I think we could do with a terrain weekend or two at Bury having seen what these guys get to play over.

I saw some nice armies and fought against a good variety of players. Overall, lots of fun indeed. I do think my game has improved since getting games in more regular, and my usual list is actually quite competitive at the club, but at a tourney, even a local one like this, you do see how much further you can take things - if you're playing to win. I've got some tweaks in mind for the next competitive event I go to, which is Throne of Skulls at the end of October, but I won't be ditching the more 'friendly' parts of my army altogether, because I enjoy using them.

It's fun to pit our wits and armies against another for the sheer thrill of playing to win - but it's all friends having fun at the end of the day.

Enjoy your gaming. ;-)


p.s. I will post some photos once they start doing the rounds..

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